The Feasts of Israel – God’s Plan of the Ages
The end of the age is come, and good riddance. It was an age of sin, sorrow, and suffering. But the Bible prophesies a Millennial Age, I believe now upon us. It will be an age of rest and peace like we’ve never known, in which Jesus Christ and His many-membered Bride rule the Universe in a Kingdom of justice and righteousness.
Has He called you to be a member of His Bride? Then this book is for you. It will correct false interpretations of Scripture from the Dark Ages, help prepare you for the fearful transition to the Millennial Age, and inspire in you a vision for the future. It will help you understand the nature of the created realms, and will develop in you a deeper love and awe of God as you learn His true nature and character.
Volume One An adult Bible Study on ancient Israel and their laws, customs, and traditions, demonstrating how the Feasts of Israel portray God’s entire Plan of Redemption.
Volumes Two – Five This is the historical fiction saga of the Bible, from the beginning of time to the ends of the ages. My story is titled, God's Plan of the Ages.
Volume One, titled, The Feasts of Israel – God's Plan of the Ages, presents the theological and historical background to help you understand my story in Volumes Two through Five.