The turning point in my life came one day when I was praying and fasting about some burdens I carried. God Himself came and spoke to me, as clearly as I’m speaking to you, and I knew I’d never be the same again. He first quoted back to me a verse I’d learned as a child: Matt 11:28-30. “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and ye shall find rest for your souls; for My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” I waited, listening, but He had stopped. So I responded, “OK, Lord, but I already knew that one.” Still nothing more. Finally, just to try to keep the conversation going, I asked, “What is Your yoke, Lord?”

His response was instant and powerful. “My yoke is my love for My people. If you will carry it, I will carry all your other burdens.” I was shaken. I managed a weak, “Yes, Lord!” but He was not through. “Go! Love My people at Maranatha Chapel!” He thundered. The interview was over. God “set us into the body as He desired” that week, and poured out upon both my wife and me a deep love for His people at Maranatha Chapel. Soon we experiencing the most joyous worship in our lives, and maturing spiritually at breathtaking speed. I would never be the same again.

For seven years God had us in this spiritual “nursery,” learning to know His voice and follow wherever His Holy Spirit leads. It was glorious, truly a baptism into the nature and character of God and an immersion into His ways. Our Presbyterian baptism (I was sprinkled as an infant) was no longer enough. Now we were really baptized (immersed). Now the focus of my life changed. “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.” (Rom 8:14) I went through their “School of Prophets” training, like a spiritual “seminary.” Now my greatest delight was to hear and obey the inner promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Of course I prayed for the gift of tongues – the real one, not some mindless babble of baby noises. I never really received it, though God gave me enough to confirm that the spiritual gifts of 1 Corinthians 12 are still available to those who seek. But God had a better gift for me. I got my first computer in about 1978, and He told me to sit down and write. My first book, Come Quickly, Lord Jesus, was the result. It is now out of print and obsolete (I was sure the “Second Coming” would be within the next five years), but it was good training for me.


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