“Wait! Where is that? I thought we were talking about heaven here?”

Yes, we are, but did you notice my terminology? I called it “the heavenlies.” You were starting to think two-dimensionally again, weren’t you. Stop and think about the Earth, the physical realms, for a while. There is the inanimate realm, of rocks and dirt, with bedrock underneath and magma below that. Above are the lowest levels of life, the plant kingdom. A bit higher are the germs and bugs. Higher yet are the fishes. Still higher are the birds of the heavens. Finally come animals, and then God made mankind, the pinnacle of Creation, to rule it all for Him.

This is not a science lesson (though scientists could learn a lot if they would start here with the nature of God’s Creation). This is just the way things are. The physical realms form a picture of the spiritual realms which overlap them. And it’s all right here, right now. Just as this physical realm is a “many-splendored place,” so are the heavenlies. The major difference is the physical realm is so tiny, so dim, so limited. The heavenlies are the reality of which our realm is merely a picture. Just wait ‘til we reach the glorious spirit realm and discover the full expression of God’s creative power! Truly it is beyond anything we could ever ask or imagine.

The highest heaven, where God dwells in His matchless holiness, is what some call the “Seventh Heaven.” I do not. I call it the Third Heaven (like the Apostle Paul in 2 Cor 12:2). Below that is the realm where angels and demons dwell, which I call the “Second Heaven.” Separating the two is that veil of absolute holiness.

That leaves my “First Heaven,” our atmosphere, together with inner and outer space. Level zero is the surface of the Earth where we dwell. Together these two are what I term the “physical realms,” which are also accessible to angels and demons if they but step through the veil from the Second Heaven. This is a pretty thin veil, easy to go through, though there are rules (as I describe in my book).


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