Will Rogers is quoted as saying, “It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so.” It sounds funny to say it, but there’s more truth there than we admit. For example, scientists “know” that the Earth is billions of years old (currently 4.5 billion and climbing), so when they find a fossil, they try to fit it to that framework. But the fact is, that number is so full of invalid assumptions that at best it is only a series of guesses and at worst it’s a deliberate hoax designed to deny the truth of God’s Word. That “millions and billions of years” of evolution is actually millions of scholarly “guesses” building upon each other, but with not a single actual scientific fact to tie it down to a real chronology. 

Some historians claim that the sack of Thebes by Ashurbanipal in 664 BC is the earliest non-controversial date, supported by much interlocking data. Others claim that 690 BC, when Taharqa began the 25th dynasty in Egypt, is the earliest non-controversial date. I tend to agree with both, but do you notice, they both come after 701 BC, when King Hezekiah saw the shadow on his sundial go backwards by 10 degrees. Before 700 BC was the Catastrophic Era, and things were very different back then. For example, the Hebrews claimed to have a 360 day year, and I have no reason to doubt them. They were not stone age savages scribbling their calendar on the side of a rock wall! Egypt’s calendar also had a 360 day year, and they had the mathematical and astronomical smarts to build the pyramids! China’s calendar also had a 360 day year, as did the Mayan’s and every other known calendar from before 701 BC. The only thing I know for certain about this is that a uniformitarian interpretation of chronology before 701 BC is always wrong.

The regular catastrophes slamming Earth every 30 years have had a rather dramatic effect on the estimated ages. For example, digging through the layered strata of the ancient city “tells” in the Middle East, archaeologists have assigned hundreds if not thousands of years between various types of layers, but it is quite possible that only 30 years elapsed before the next great celestial catastrophe, when the entire city was leveled and they had to start over. How do you think those “tells” built up like that in the first place? No city since 701 BC ever formed a “tell.”

I go into this at length in my book. For now, I just wanted you to know that:

A. I have an agenda for my story. I accept God’s Word as the only reliable source of absolute truth, and attempt to line up the rest of history with the Bible. Where the Bible seems to contradict itself (and it does), I try to find interpretations which resolve the differences, as my faith is in a God who does not make mistakes.

B. Everyone else has an agenda too. As with mine, this involves faith. Always. You have to decide what to believe, as no one alive has seen the Catastrophic Era. Those who “believe” (that’s faith) in an earth billions of years old – that’s their agenda, and they will try to stretch their chronology to fit. They will claim that it is based on “facts” but it is not. It is based on their interpretation of available data as guided by their faith. You must decide - does your faith match theirs? or mine? 


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