Some processes that are slow today were very rapid at one time. The sliding of the earth’s crustal plates is agonizingly slow now, but at one period in our history it was very rapid. The Ice Age appears to have come and gone very slowly, but with my hypothesis it could have come very suddenly, and left just as suddenly. The glaciers at one time covered 3/4 of the planet. Scientists love to theorize what caused it, how long it lasted, what ended it, and even how many Ice Ages there were, but it’s all just guesses. In the coal beds we see evidence of a lengthy warm period followed by a world-wide catastrophe. Again, scientists take their guesses but they don’t know what caused it or what ended it, or how long it lasted.

I assert that my guess is as good as theirs. At least my hypothesis provides a single logical chain of events which explains how a world that God called “very good” could have become so tortured and deformed as we see now. And it explains the coal beds, the Ice Age, the arcing mountain ranges, the crustal cracks, the moving crustal plates, the fossil beds in their layered strata which is often tipped or folded, and many other details which evolutionary scientists struggle with. One example is the quick-frozen wooly mammoths which exist by the millions in Siberia and Alaska. Evolutionary scientists have no explanation; I do.

Yet it is still a hypothesis. This entire work is fiction. One reason I’ve put my book online rather than in print is that I expect it to keep changing. I want you, dear Readers, to help me. If you have data of which I was unaware which changes the story, let me know - I may have to rewrite that section, again. Maybe after it’s been online a few years and I’ve rewritten it a few more times, a publisher will help me to get it into print. In the meantime, it makes exciting reading for those who want to see how the Bible may line up with ancient history and the sciences.


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