And that is just the beginning. Those who truly believe in evolution must also believe in some form of totalitarian or socialist controls, since they know of no God, no absolute law, no absolute truth, no God-given rights, and no Judgment Day in the hereafter to punish evildoers and reward the righteous. At its core, evolution demands that life’s only purpose is self-propagation; it is heartless, pitiless. It is not only Godless, but also nihilistic. Thus:

1.   Science is the ‘modern’ religion. Christians ought to be silenced (or worse).
2.   Evil doesn’t exist, except for fundamentalist bigoted intolerant Christians.
3.   Human life has no value except what we can contribute to society.
If a baby or an elderly person is unwanted or useless or a drain on our resources, kill it.
4.   We’re not responsible for our actions, just victims of society or the environment.
5.   Biblical morality is despised. If it feels good do it. If it’s not legal it should be.
As long as it is between consenting adults and nobody gets hurt, anything goes.
6.   Education no longer exists to teach young people to think. They might think about God.
Now it exists to brainwash them to accept the current social dogma.
7.   Conservatives and others with a strong work ethic and desire to care for their families are stupid. They deserve to be taxed out of their gourds to provide for those on welfare who are smart enough to game the system, and for the liberals who are smart enough to buy their votes with the Conservative’s money.
8.   The government must be given enough power and control to enforce the above. We certainly can‘t let Christians have the means to defend themselves.


Yet, is that not precisely where we are headed in America right now?


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