Thus the strong rise up to control the weak, and mankind descends into anarchy and chaos. It’s inevitable once evolution becomes your god. If you do not have an absolute standard for law enforced by a Higher Power, you will have a changing standard for law enforced by the those who think themselves smarter than God. The results are really quite predictable:

1.   I must now pay for young mothers to legally kill their own babies.
2.   Sexual perversions of all kinds are now protected by force of law.
3.   Murderers, rapists, kidnapers, and other violent criminals are now defended as ‘victims of society’ or ‘sick’ and given light sentences.
4.   A man’s word is no longer trusted. Everyone is expected to be a liar.
5.   Theft is always wrong, unless the government does it. Then it’s OK.
6.   Adultery, divorce, pre-marital sex, queer or kinky sex, pornography, child abuse, and other vices are so common as to be the norm. God’s sacred design for marriage is despised.
7.   Our government must have a zillion laws, and add another few hundred a day, just to keep people in line, for the unrestrained human heart is deceitful and quick to find ways around the laws created by humans no better than them.

There is an alternative to this descent into chaos. You won’t find it in science, for modern evolutionary science is inherently schizophrenic. Science must believe in determinism, laws of cause and effect, structure and stability in the natural realm, for science is the study of all the beautiful laws and stability God wove into His Creation. But science must also believe the opposite: indeterminism, chance, spontaneous generation, and the ability of chaos to weave itself from a mythical big bang into all that we see today in total violation of all the laws of nature.


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