This essay has a different purpose. Once we get past the first two steps, how should we engage our society? What about all those major controversies between liberals and conservatives such as the economy, big government, abortions, “gay” rights, welfare, illegal aliens, guns, or medical care? If I want you to read my book, you have a right to know how I feel about such things. Though my book does give clues, it does not directly address issues like these, hence this essay.

First, I always vote. In America it is a Christian’s duty to know the issues and vote according to Christian principles. Any Christian who does not vote is in direct violation of the Scriptural injunction to, “… be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist were established by God.” (Rom 13:1) In America, the “governing authorities” are ”We the People.” If we do not vote, we are not doing our God-ordained job. It is the loss of so much of the Christian vote that has resulted in America turning sharply against God and His laws in the last 50 years. It is also essential to know your American history, so you can vote responsibly and not be fooled by lying politicians. For example, it is the Republicans, not the Democrats, who traditionally stood up for the civil rights of blacks and minorities, to give them a hand up, not just a handout.

So, am I a Republican? At one time I tried to help start a new political party, the “American Heritage Party,” focussed on Christian principles. It sounded great on paper (I helped write the platform), but in fact it failed. America has a two-party system, and third parties rarely get any significant portion of the vote. I was a “purist” who couldn’t bring myself to vote for a “flawed” candidate. Then I began to see the “flaws” in some of our own candidates! God did not seem to be running for President! I finally discovered that all we were doing was robbing votes from the better of the candidates who had any chance of winning. So now, yes, I am just a conservative Republican, with strong Libertarian leanings.

Why am I not a Democrat? After all, they are the party representing the poor, the downtrodden, the minority, the immigrant, the “stranger that is in your midst,” (Ex 20:10) while the Republicans are “just the party of the greedy rich and the big, evil corporations.” I’m sure you’ve heard the line, but it is a blatant lie, repeated endlessly by Democrats and the mainstream media (which is owned and run by Democrats). In fact, Republicans do support business (big or small) and the free enterprise system because it is consistent with Biblical principles and has proven to be the best system on earth to bring freedom and prosperity to all people. It turns out that making a profit is not evil – it is essential to remain in business. Only companies who make a profit can be generous to their employees and the community around them. Yes, there are flaws in every candidate, and I have seen some greedy and power-hungry Republicans too, but in general, Republicans are the party of godly moral principles, while Democrats have now become quite unprincipled in their desire to increase their power and control over the people.

I did vote for a Democrat once – Jimmy Carter, because He was a “born again Christian.” It was the worst vote I ever cast. He was a “social issues” Christian who had absolutely no clue about how to run a country. Remember, he was the one who gave away the Panama Canal, tried to give away Israel to the Palestinians, and very nearly gave away the whole country to the socialists and Communists who wanted to destroy us. It took a Republican President Ronald Reagan to rescue us.

So, what about those social issues? Let’s go over the list, comparing what I, as a “Republican, leaning Libertarian” believe with what the majority of Democrats currently seem to believe. Bear in mind that there are still many Democrats who are Christians and who sincerely believe the media lies I mentioned. If you are one, I pray God will open your eyes to the truth of what I‘m about to say.



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