Human Life. As I said above, I believe that human life is precious, sacred, of infinite worth to our Creator and thus to all who accept His Word. In a properly structured society, everyone has value, even the elderly, the infirm, the retarded, the crippled, or the poverty stricken. This value comes from God, not government. As our Declaration of Independence says, I believe that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” I believe that “Governments are instituted among men” primarily “to secure these rights,” and “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it.” Thus I cannot accept the false premise that because resources are limited, we must limit our population growth. People are our finest resource! If we run out of coal or oil, for example, people will invent new forms of energy. But if we run out of eager, enthusiastic, energetic young people, all is lost.

Democrats value the life of a whale, a wolf, a polar bear, a spotted owl, a snail darter, or a horned lizard, for example, but they refuse to consider human life as uniquely precious and sacred. In their minds, humans are overpopulated, so if it‘s a choice between saving the life of an endangered snail or a human they will side with the snail. Here again is a breathtaking inconsistency. They claim to accept the evolutionary concept of survival of the fittest, but want to intervene like gods, helping evolution at their whims to ensure the survival of the least fit at the expense of the fittest. They only get away with their ”overpopulation“ mantra because their policies keep so many people impoverished and jammed into big cities. There are vast untouched lands available if government would get out of the way and allow lazy people to go hungry and good hard-working people to prosper. (God created hunger to help lazy people become good workers.)

Racism. Believing as I do that “all men are created equal,” I cannot, I must not be racist. The temptation is strong, when I see entire cultures like the Islamists that are dysfunctional in their injustice, bigotry, anger, violence, and hatred. But I must fight that temptation, for God created them in His own image just like myself, and I know that many are trapped by their culture and would escape it if they could. To the best of my ability I must allow each person the right to demonstrate his or her character, which for an Islamist may indeed turn out to be commendable considering all they have suffered. Like Martin Luther King, I long for the day when all will be judged by the content of our character rather than the color of our skin.

Democrats are deeply racist. They must be, to be consistent, just like they must believe in evolution. If evolution is true, then some races are more “evolved” than others. Charles Darwin and in fact all the founders of the theory of evolution were deeply racist. They used their new theory to justify their hatred of Blacks, and some openly advocated for eugenics and sterilization of Blacks, Jews, and other “less evolved” races. Adolph Hitler justified his obsession to annihilate the Jews to purify his Aryan “Master Race” based on evolution. The original Ku Klux Klan was almost exclusively Democrats, and they targeted white Republicans as well as freed Blacks. Modern Democrats have managed to hide their history pretty well, but they are still racist. When sane people rightly criticize our current Black President for his broken promises or harmful policies, rather than try to defend the indefensible, Democrats just howl “racist.” It’s a conditioned response. Now that you understand it, you know that they only do it because they know racism so intimately. Racism is at the core of their character, though now many have turned it upside down to justify crimes by Blacks, while condemning as “hate crimes” similar actions by Whites against Blacks. Affirmative action, giving Blacks an unfair edge in hiring or entrance exams, is supported mostly by Democrats. And as expected, these “helps” actually do far more harm than good. Blacks thus “helped” develop a “victim” or “entitlement” mentality, for the unspoken message is that they are unable to make it on their own merits and require government assistance to succeed. Thus racism continues, for they now and forever must vote Democrat, as that is the party of the government assistance they’ve become dependent upon.



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