Guns. In a perfect world, guns would not be needed (even for hunting). We do not live in a perfect world. The evolutionist likes to think we’re getting better and better but in fact we are not - we as a society are simply getting more sophisticated and more capable in more kinds of wickedness. And what’s worse, society seems to have lost its sense of shame. Immorality that used to horrify polite conversation is now freely discussed on the public airways, degrading pornography is now easily accessible, and crimes that used to hide under cover of darkness now occur in broad daylight. You might think that I am about to ask every law-abiding American citizen to consider getting and learning how to safely use a firearm for the purpose of protecting his family, but that is secondary. If you really want to protect your family, move out of the big cities and develop loving and supportive relationships among your neighbors, your community, and your church. If you do that, you will rarely need weapons to protect your family. They have a different primary purpose. It is clearly stated in our 2nd Amendment. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The purpose for guns is to maintain the security of a free state. This can only be accomplished with a well-armed and trained Militia made up of the entire body politic. Any citizen who cares about America and the freedom we have will want to maintain that freedom for the next generation by supporting gun rights, and not just for hunting rifles! Governmental tyranny can only be held in check if we maintain as much firepower as they have. They may own the tanks and fighter jets, but we have 50 million patriots with high-powered assault rifles, many of them in our military and in those tanks and jets, and they know it.

Democrats, of course (believing as they do in big government) support all kinds of laws to take guns away from free citizens. They need to get rid of high-powered assault rifles and high capacity magazines. They need to register all gun owners in preparation for confiscating their guns. They need to limit the purchase of ammunition. They create gun-free zones in schools, public transportation, and eventually all public places. They hate concealed-carry permits, even though they are proven to reduce crime. Their ultimate goal is a gun-free America, or so they say. But it is a lie. Their utopian gun-free America still has lots of guns - all in the hands of their ideal all-powerful government. They claim this is good, as it will eliminate violent crime, but that too is a lie. In reality, criminals will always be able to get guns. That is why criminals always side with Democrats. Democrats not only make their criminal activities easier, they also are far more lenient with criminal sentencing and tend to sympathize more with the criminal than with the victim. So, all those feel-good gun control laws that Democrats push after each terrible gun massacre? Never forget that they are aimed at you, the concerned American patriot, rather than the madman who just shot up the local school. He only laughs at laws tying the hands of us who care about protecting our nation and its people.

Immigration. We’re a nation of immigrants, and it has made us strong. We are compassionate and generous to our immigrants. They have prospered here, pursuing the American Dream, and have fallen in love with America. More people all over the world long to follow in their footsteps. I strongly support legal immigration, even more of it, as long as everyone coming here is able to learn the language, the laws, and the culture, become self-supporting, and meld into society. However, I have a problem with those who come here wanting our prosperity and our freedoms but having their own agenda - such as Muslims wanting to pervert our law with their Sharia, or Mexicans wanting to take back California for Mexico. Those who refuse to learn English and assimilate should go home.

 Democrats have found race-baiting very profitable. They gain Black votes by stirring up anger against the Whites, and White votes by stirring up sympathy for the Blacks. They gain Hispanic votes by promising welfare, free health care and eventual amnesty for illegal Mexicans coming across our southern border, and they expect to continue this for the foreseeable future, despite their promises to work on securing the border. They do not want immigrants to learn English, settle down, get a job, and become productive members of society, because they know that will most likely turn them into Republicans. Therefore, any reasonable reforms to control immigration and block amnesty for illegal aliens (undocumented Democrats) will meet with strong Democrat opposition.



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