Voting. Every law-abiding citizen must have a vote, or our Republic “of the people, by the people, and for the people” has failed. I believe that violent criminals forfeit their right to vote, but I go much farther than that. Immigrants who refuse  to learn English and assimilate should also forfeit the right to vote - how can they know what is good for our nation if they do not know our language? Therefore I support a law requiring all governmental functions be conducted only in English. Also, those who do not care enough about America to take the effort to get a valid identification proving they really are law-abiding citizens ought to forfeit the right to vote. I support laws to verify citizenship before voting. I would like to go even farther than that and abolish the 24th “Democrat Empowerment” Amendment. Those who pay no taxes, but only live off government handouts, should forfeit the right to vote. Of course they will always vote Democrat, the party of easy welfare, but it’s more than that. We’re talking about the betterment of our nation, here. Those with no stake in the game have no incentive to vote for a better America. Those who care about America enough to contribute a fair share in taxes (even if they are poor and their share is very small) have earned the right to vote.

 Democrats win elections by putting a great deal of effort into “get out the vote” drives. Sadly for our country, much of this effort involves those on welfare, the indigent, the mentally disabled, non-citizens, criminals, and those who have already died, so of course Democrats “help” them vote. Even more sadly, when they can get away with it they help them vote multiple times. If Republicans do this it is called voter fraud and prosecuted, but when Democrats do it it is OK, as they have to do it to have any chance of winning elections. That is why they must at all costs block efforts to require voter identification or citizenship verification prior to voting.

Taxes. Ideally, our federal government should take no taxes from its people, although to do this would require some major changes (such as privatizing social security and medicare and transferring numerous functions back to the States). The feds could run all their core Constitutional functions using funds collected by tariffs on foreign-made goods and foreign-owned corporations in America. That’s not going to happen, so the next best solution is a “voluntary” flat tax on personal income, maybe 2% or so, with deductions for one’s wife and each dependent, and no other deductions or loopholes. Those who pay get a “Patriot” card giving them access to government functions, including national parks and the right to vote. Those don’t pay could always gain access when they “caught up” with their payments. And no tax should be levied on American businesses – it all gets passed on to the consumer anyway. Thus American business would flourish here and be more competitive overseas. Under this system government would not have enough money for all their unconstitutional social “meddling” such as their subsidies to states, schools, and businesses that toe the party line. No federal tax money should ever return to the states; if it does, you know bribes are involved.

 Democrats think every problem should be solved with higher taxes and bigger government. They will never go for a flat tax. They must have a highly progressive tax system to “soak the rich” and buy off the poor. The code must be exceedingly complex to hide the loopholes for rich Democrats. It has to give tax credits for State taxes, so high-tax liberal States can survive. It has to have a mortgage deduction to encourage more debt. (Democrats love debt.) It must have deductions for charitable contributions to all their liberal churches and tax-exempt foundations. (Giving to get a tax write-off is not true charity.) Taxes must be high enough on the middle class to pay for their pet social engineering projects and to fund welfare for their voters. And they must have a powerful IRS collection agency to put the fear of god into taxpayers and to harass conservatives. But please note that for Democrats, taxes are not primarily about funding their big government, they are about taking care of loyal voters and punishing those who voted against them. A flat tax, which treated everyone equally, would never work for them, as they’d lose all their voters in a heartbeat. They insist that it is only “fair” for the rich to pay more. Yes, a flat percentage does that. But what is fair about punitive taxation on those who work hard, and rewarding those who are lazy? Yet Democrats must do just that, for lazy people are reliable Democrats (the party of easy welfare), while hard work results in more conservative values (more Republicans).



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