Evolution. I believe God created the universe in six days, exactly as the Bible says, and my book is my attempt to explain how He may have done it. I believe, not in evolution, but in “devolution.” We were created “very good” and have been devolving ever since the first sin. Adam and Eve were smarter, stronger, larger, healthier, and more capable than we, though they were immature and naïve regarding the terrible power of evil. However, I also believe that all will be restored one day, though that will take the supernatural intervention of an almighty, all-wise, and all-loving God.

Democrats must believe in evolution. They have to, to be consistent with their desire to throw out God, the Bible, 200 years of history, all our nation’s founding documents, and any absolute standards of truth and morality, and replace them with their relative standards according to the changing “evolving” culture. Oh, many Democrats will say they believe in god, and even support school classes about the god of Islam, the god of the Native Americans, the Hindu gods, the old Norse gods, the Greek gods, and so on. Thus they claim to be “tolerant.” All these false gods are no threat to them, as they are powerless and have no authority. The only God they will not tolerate is the one true God of the Bible, whom we know as Jesus Christ. Since He is the Creator, Lawgiver, and Judge of all, they must remove Him from public discourse, lest they be held accountable for subverting His moral laws. The only alternative to a Creator God is evolution, teaching the preposterous notion of spontaneous generation of life from pond scum. Therefore evolution must be taught as “fact,” as they carefully remove all mention of the Creator God of the Bible from public education.

Abortion. I believe that God created man in His own image, the pinnacle of all creation, and made him to rule over all creation, just as the Bible says. Thus man is uniquely precious and all human life is sacred. As our Creator and giver of life, only God gets to decide when a life is to end. There is only one exception to this. God has delegated to government the responsibility to execute a person convicted of murder. If a murderer is not executed, human life is cheapened. God’s law even extends this to kidnapping, forcible rape, and a few other things which essentially “take a human life” by destroying the good life they might have had. But by no stretch of the imagination can an innocent unborn baby be worthy of execution, even if it is the result of a rape or a regrettable “one night stand.” There are many couples who would gladly adopt such an unwanted child. The only time I think abortion may be justified is if the life of the mother really were at stake, but that is far more rare than you might think. If I were President, I would insist that adoptions be made easier, faster, and less expensive. I would also make executions of convicted murderers easier, faster, and less expensive, and would try to extend this to convicted kidnappers and rapists. I would not want on my conscience one of these violent criminals who goes out on parole and destroys another precious human life! And of course I would insist that the infamous ”Roe v Wade“ case go back to court, to expose the false information that resulted in it’s passing.

Democrats claim to be the defenders of the poor, the weak, and the helpless, but they’ve turned against the most defenseless among us. They vigorously, even violently support the abortion of a child for any reason up to and including partial birth. They will throw you in jail if you harm the egg of a bald eagle, for example, so they really do know when a life begins, but in a breathtaking bout of inconsistency they insist that human life doesn’t begin until the mother decides she wants it. God have mercy on their souls. America is now missing 55 million children who should be growing, inventing, creating, growing the economy, working to support the retiring seniors – all gone, leaving a dark hole that may never be healed in the moral fiber of America. As expected, legalizing abortion has cheapened human life. If the abortionist fails, or if a mother regrets postponing her abortion until it’s too late, of course they feel justified in correcting their mistake after the baby is born. How long after? As the baby comes out, plus or minus a few seconds? one minute later? an hour later? ten years later? What difference does it make? The baby still dies. If you truly believe it is a mother’s right to kill her child then to be consistent it ought to be legal up until the child becomes an independent adult at age 18.

If the abortion lobby had then been as strong as it is in America today, Joseph would have hustled Mary off to Planned Parenthood and “taken care of it,” and that would have been the end of the Redeemer. Democrats must hate the entire story of the miraculous birth of Jesus, for it puts the lie to their desperate attempts to make the products of conception merely a “blob of tissue.“ I’m not saying that Democrats can’t be Christians, but I cannot conceive of any true Christian going along with the Democrats’ abortion agenda.



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