Sex Education. While I believe this is best done at home by godly parents, I can’t deny that this battle has been all but lost. In any environment except home education, today’s kids get much of their information from the gutter, from billboards and magazines, from movies, from gossipy smut amongst their peers, and from the internet. All we can do now is damage control (or home educate!) Even down to pre-school there is little innocence left. I deeply regret that, but at this point, acknowledging the cause – the removal of God and the Bible from our educational system – isn’t going to help. All I can recommend is that caring parents keep a tight reign on what their kids watch and who their friends are, and choose their schools and teachers carefully. Most importantly, keep the channels of communication open with your kids, and train them early in self-control, integrity, and the consequences of choices that violate God’s moral law. Youngsters are NOT capable of making wise life choices without parental guidance. That’s why God gave us parents.

Democrats do recognize the problems, but have no clue how to solve them because they do not accept the absolute standards of God’s moral law. The best they can come up with is to teach kids how to have “safe sex,” provide free condoms, and make it easy to abort the unwanted results. They can’t understand the concept of “abstinence,” remaining pure until marriage. To them, we are just well-evolved animals anyway, so they expect kids to behave like animals when it comes to their primal urges. Thus all their training becomes enabling. Why are they surprised when the kids experiment with what they’ve been taught? This is another reason why we must work towards school choice.

Marriage. I believe marriage is a sacred covenant made before God, binding one man and one woman together for life. It has been that way from the beginning, between Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before there was any sin. (Gen 2:24) This is exceedingly important, both for the protection and well-being of the man and his wife, and for the nurturing of any children they may have. I further believe that it is in the best interests of any government or culture to protect and promote this sacred institution, as it provides the foundation for a stable society.

Democrats can’t seem to understand this basic concept, even though it has been demonstrated for thousands of years. As a result, we are already far down the slippery slope of marriage redefinition. It started simply with easy “no fault” divorce laws. Then tax policies benefiting cohabiting couples. Now we’re at homosexual “marriage,” and polygamy won’t be far behind, all in the name of “equal protection under the law.” Within a few years people will be demanding the right to marry their own brother or sister, or even their pet poodle. After all, they are in “love!” And you won’t be able to use the argument that “incest or bestiality aren’t healthy” because you already lost that argument when you legalized homosexual marriage. Again, Democrats are being foolish in their push to normalize homosexuality. The cost to society of the open acceptance of moral perversions is immense. Unless this momentum is turned around, it will result in the destruction of Western Civilization just as surely as it resulted in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the fall of the Roman Empire. Note that I never said government should prohibit adultery, cohabitation, or homosexual “marriage,” just not normalize or condone it. Only the church has the authority to speak out against it.

One Parent Families. Of course it is best for any child to have a loving and supportive mother and father. If any of those four are missing, the love, the support, the mother, or the father, the child will suffer. Yet we do not live in a perfect world. Many times one of those are missing (often the father), and sometimes more than one are missing. What to do? I believe this is where the church is invaluable. A supportive church family, filled with the love of the heavenly Father, can fill up the need and restore a broken family to wholeness. This is our job, one of the main reasons we Christians remain on this earth.

Democrats do not accept either the authority or the ability of the church to heal broken families. Remember, they are the party of big government, and “only big government can fix societal problems.” Thus they step in with a zillion laws to “protect” the child, as if he or she belonged to the state. Now, you and I both know that government bureaucrats are rarely loving and supportive. Government is not made to be loving and supportive; it is all about force. The result, all too often, is that the children also grow up broken, in a never-ending spiral of child abuse, crime, absent fathers, unwed mothers, and more broken families.



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